Sunday, 12 June 2011

Well today’s post is a little different the above hombre is call the blood elf bandit and we rounded up a posse to bring him on in.....well to be honest after we loot him we're actually going to leave him there to rot :)

This mob lives on  Azuremyst Isle and spawns in multiple locations, below you will find a map with locations which have been compiled from various maps on wow head and other sites. circled in yellow are the locations where I have personally killed this mob circled in blue is the kill that actually dropped the mask.


This mob spawns in only one location at a time and respawns immediately hater he is killed, well almost immediately. There are reports of his respawning in the same location as the last kill, so it's best to remain at the site of the last kill 30 to 40 seconds after killing him.

The blood elf bandit is a level 7 mob so hunting him on a level 5 or higher toon is totally do able. I chose to hunt only after my farming toon had hit 20 so as to be able to hunt mounted, but it's certainly not necessary and can be hunted on foot just a little more time consuming.

There are some reports of the spawns being counter clockwise around the map and indeed that is what I found yesterday. I hunted for a little under 2 hours yesterday killing the bandit 14 to 15 times with only one mask dropping.

There is a lengthy discussion regarding the mob here
and for the most part I found their comments to be valid.

So how much is the mask worth not so easy a question to answer. The mask has no intrinsic value as it is purely a vanity item. Which means the value will be however much someone is willing to pay for it. I suspect a range of between 50 and 1000 gold........quite a range but as with all vanity items it really is about how much someone is willing to pay. On our test server someone has one up at 8000 gold and though I doubt it will sell for that much.....who knows so for now I have undercut by 25 gold pricing at 7975 and we will see what happens.

To aid in hunting the hombre try using the macro /target blood elf bandit as I am hunting on a hunter I made mine /target blood elf bandit
        /cast hunters mark
This last spell could be replaced by any instant cast spell so for a locl immolate or a mage ice lance etc.
Because I am doing this mounted I also went into the interface options and checked off auto dismount on cast so that when the macro does find the bandit and casts hunters mark it also dismounts my hunter, since I was watching videos while doing this, the dismount sound effect was very helpful in knowing that I had found it looking over and seeing I was running and not riding was a good clue too lol :)

The below video shows a demo run around the island.

Blood Elf Bandit Mask
Requires Level 5
Item Level 5

7975g 0sMarket Price
7475g 0sChange since Yesterday
1495%Change since Yesterday
4441g 56s 25cMean
3940g 68s 7cStandard Deviation
95% Confidence Interval
1058g 89s 36cUS Alliance Market Price
1523g 34s 7cUS Alliance Mean
 7cSell to Vendor
 1s12-hour Deposit
 1s24-hour Deposit

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