Day four today opened with a little over 800 gold in hand after a few of our auction sold last night.
The below video will cover the addon auctionator and the features that are included with it and how we will be using them. For me auctioneer and auctionator go together like peanut butter and jelly Bonnie and Clyde Abbott and Costello you get the picture. :-)
Auctionator can be downloaded from its own website at the link below
The link for auctioneer which we reviewed yesterday is below
Both can also be downloaded from curse gaming.
We also had the time today to go firming in Westfall where we farmed eggs from the fleshrippers. I've seen other videos of farming in this location I guess the twist of that I have on it is the same twist that all of my leveling/farming videos would have, and that is that your farming should not be a separate activity but should be incorporated into your leveling. For example with the fleshrippers we farmed today they were on route to a quest that we had to do and we simply took an extra 30 minutes to farm them gaining almost half a level in doing so. It was the same idea when we did the farming at the Mclore vineyards on day one, it wasn't somewhere special that we went but was simply on the way to quest. This philosophy will change a little bit once we hit level 20 at that point we will stop leveling and any farming we do will be just for the sake of farming. If we were going to continue leveling past 20 I would continue with the same philosophy of combining leveling with farming.
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