Friday, 10 June 2011

Day 5 Our First 1000 Gold !!!!!!!

Good day all!

Today was an awesome day, we hit our week one goal of 1000 gold one day early and after taking our auctions from the mail this morning we had a little over 1100 gold!

If you watched the video from yesterday you will remember that we bought about 50 stacks of strange dust at 49 Silver a stack we sold one of those stacks at 45 gold which means we have made back all of the gold but we spent to buy out all that strange dust which leaves us only 49 more stacks sell :-). The price of strange dust on the auction house tonight is down to around 60 Silver per dust considering that we bought at around four silver per dust that's a more than acceptable price and I have priced mine and 59 Silver undercutting in the market while retaining a profit of 55 silver per dust. I have only posted a small amount of stacks and will continue to trickle out a small amount of strange dust onto the auction house over the next days and weeks moving my price up and down to remain competitive while attempting to maximize our profits.

I did two videos today one of leveling from 16 to 18 which my computer is having a problem with it keeps telling me that part of the file is corrupt so I'm not sure that that one will end up being posted. The second video shows our activities in the auction house today taking our sales from the mail and spending approximately 300 gold on new merchandise. I was in the auction house again tonight and spent several more hundred gold also buying new merchandise a truism in wow as in life is that it takes money to make money and the gold that we spent today and tonight is an investment in product for this weekend and the coming week.

The vendor recipes and limited supply recipes have continued to sell well though there are some very low end recipes that were okay for week one which we will not purchase again on this server. Once I reach level 20 I will have access to a mount and will be able to venture out further looking for other vendors with recipes that we can sell.

I had at first thought that I would stop leveling at 20 it is in fact as high as I really need to go, as I actually only wanted to reach 20 to have access to a mount and the further range that that would provide us for farming. However I'm actually enjoying the leveling process and since I don't want to spend every moment of the day hanging out in the auction house I have decided to continue leveling making it sort of the contest for myself to see how far I can get in the leveling process before I can hit 10,000 gold cash in hand on this server.

There will be a new video tomorrow after we get the opportunity to visit the auction house and see what our overnight sales were.

In the meantime thanks for reading hope you enjoy the video and happy gold making!


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