Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Lethon updates fot the past few days
Below are the updates for the past few days on our new server. Proving to be more difficult here on a low population server.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
New Server Chosen
Well we have chosen a new server Lethon PVP and tomorrow we will begin from nothing to 10000 gold!
Patch 4.2 Stay of Execution
A Stay of Execution was granted for Sunbright today!
With the upcoming patch 4.2 I have decided to stay on Farstriders awhile longer see below video for details. Additionaly plans to begin on a new server will go ahead later tonight.
With the upcoming patch 4.2 I have decided to stay on Farstriders awhile longer see below video for details. Additionaly plans to begin on a new server will go ahead later tonight.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Monday Morning Week Three
Well we have almost reached the end of our time on Farstriders! I am still projecting 10k by Wednesday or maybe Thursday at the latest. Once we hit that mark we will delete the toons on this server and select a new server to give it another go.....adjusting our strategies to the enviroment that we find there.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
The Undermine Journal
Today we will take a look at the Undermine Journal'
The undermine journal is a web site which collects data from the auction houses on all U.S. realms, not yet available for european servers but hopefully coming soon.
The first video is an overview of the journal and the second video details how I use the undermine journal for gold making.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Moths and Owls and Kittens oh my!!!
Collectors, we have to love them!
They are the people who will turn over their hard earned gold to us for cute little companions that we only paid a few silver ching :)
On our first day on farstriders we visited with the crazy cat lady nice lady....a little strange but nice,. Today we visited with Shylenai in Darnassus to purchase owl pets and with Sixx on the Exodar to purshase Moth pets.
All of these vendors are easily reach able by level one toons.
We also take a trip to Booty Bay to post a white kitten for friends on the Horde knows no enemies only profit and loss :)
Check out the below video for details
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
White Kitten Farming
Well this didn't go quite as expected Lil Timmy spawned right behind us as we started talking about his route. His spawn point is universally said to be the dock that we were standing beside, but as you can see in the video everyone is universally wrong lol. We take the opportunity we were given to follow him around his route......check out the video for details.
The white kitten is a limited supply pet sold by an npc called Lil Timmy
the link will take you to the wowwike for lil Timmy. Lil Timmy has only one kitten for sale at a time, the cost 60 silver and can sell on the Alliance AH for as much as 300 to 400 Gold. Because this is an Alliance only pet it can sell for a lot more on the Horde side, posting on the neutral AH can be more profitable then posting on the Ally side. There can be a lot of competition at times and if you watched the video you will know that we sold ours the other day for 120 gold.....still a nice sale :)
The map below shows Lil Timmy's route along the water front.
Lil Timmy's spawn time is thought to be somewhere between 2 and 4 hours but there are reports of a spawn time as short as 1.5 hours.
When I did the above map I marked the spawn point with his assumed spawn location after watching him despawn I would change that to 46.9 . 56.1
Remember to run his route in reverse as it will ensure you don"t miss him.......good luck and good hunting
Monday, 13 June 2011
Morning Day 8
Morning day 8 first day of our second week on Farstriders. Our first white kitten sold. Kitten farming video later today
In this video I go over my sales from yesterday and look for farming opportunites on the AH.
In this video I go over my sales from yesterday and look for farming opportunites on the AH.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Auction House Farming
One last video for today updating our gold so far, and farming the auction house for deals.
Tommorow we will have a new video for the white kitten
Well today’s post is a little different the above hombre is call the blood elf bandit and we rounded up a posse to bring him on in.....well to be honest after we loot him we're actually going to leave him there to rot :)
This mob lives on Azuremyst Isle and spawns in multiple locations, below you will find a map with locations which have been compiled from various maps on wow head and other sites. circled in yellow are the locations where I have personally killed this mob circled in blue is the kill that actually dropped the mask.
This mob spawns in only one location at a time and respawns immediately hater he is killed, well almost immediately. There are reports of his respawning in the same location as the last kill, so it's best to remain at the site of the last kill 30 to 40 seconds after killing him.
The blood elf bandit is a level 7 mob so hunting him on a level 5 or higher toon is totally do able. I chose to hunt only after my farming toon had hit 20 so as to be able to hunt mounted, but it's certainly not necessary and can be hunted on foot just a little more time consuming.
There are some reports of the spawns being counter clockwise around the map and indeed that is what I found yesterday. I hunted for a little under 2 hours yesterday killing the bandit 14 to 15 times with only one mask dropping.
There is a lengthy discussion regarding the mob here
and for the most part I found their comments to be valid.
So how much is the mask worth not so easy a question to answer. The mask has no intrinsic value as it is purely a vanity item. Which means the value will be however much someone is willing to pay for it. I suspect a range of between 50 and 1000 gold........quite a range but as with all vanity items it really is about how much someone is willing to pay. On our test server someone has one up at 8000 gold and though I doubt it will sell for that much.....who knows so for now I have undercut by 25 gold pricing at 7975 and we will see what happens.
To aid in hunting the hombre try using the macro /target blood elf bandit as I am hunting on a hunter I made mine /target blood elf bandit
/cast hunters mark
This last spell could be replaced by any instant cast spell so for a locl immolate or a mage ice lance etc.
Because I am doing this mounted I also went into the interface options and checked off auto dismount on cast so that when the macro does find the bandit and casts hunters mark it also dismounts my hunter, since I was watching videos while doing this, the dismount sound effect was very helpful in knowing that I had found it looking over and seeing I was running and not riding was a good clue too lol :)
The below video shows a demo run around the island.
Requires Level 5
Item Level 5
One | |
2 | Available |
7975g 0s | Market Price |
7475g 0s | Change since Yesterday |
1495% | Change since Yesterday |
4441g 56s 25c | Mean |
3940g 68s 7c | Standard Deviation |
![]() | 95% Confidence Interval |
1058g 89s 36c | US Alliance Market Price |
1523g 34s 7c | US Alliance Mean |
7c | Sell to Vendor |
1s | 12-hour Deposit |
1s | 24-hour Deposit |
1s |
Friday, 10 June 2011
Day 5 Our First 1000 Gold !!!!!!!
Good day all!
Today was an awesome day, we hit our week one goal of 1000 gold one day early and after taking our auctions from the mail this morning we had a little over 1100 gold!
If you watched the video from yesterday you will remember that we bought about 50 stacks of strange dust at 49 Silver a stack we sold one of those stacks at 45 gold which means we have made back all of the gold but we spent to buy out all that strange dust which leaves us only 49 more stacks sell :-). The price of strange dust on the auction house tonight is down to around 60 Silver per dust considering that we bought at around four silver per dust that's a more than acceptable price and I have priced mine and 59 Silver undercutting in the market while retaining a profit of 55 silver per dust. I have only posted a small amount of stacks and will continue to trickle out a small amount of strange dust onto the auction house over the next days and weeks moving my price up and down to remain competitive while attempting to maximize our profits.
I did two videos today one of leveling from 16 to 18 which my computer is having a problem with it keeps telling me that part of the file is corrupt so I'm not sure that that one will end up being posted. The second video shows our activities in the auction house today taking our sales from the mail and spending approximately 300 gold on new merchandise. I was in the auction house again tonight and spent several more hundred gold also buying new merchandise a truism in wow as in life is that it takes money to make money and the gold that we spent today and tonight is an investment in product for this weekend and the coming week.
The vendor recipes and limited supply recipes have continued to sell well though there are some very low end recipes that were okay for week one which we will not purchase again on this server. Once I reach level 20 I will have access to a mount and will be able to venture out further looking for other vendors with recipes that we can sell.
I had at first thought that I would stop leveling at 20 it is in fact as high as I really need to go, as I actually only wanted to reach 20 to have access to a mount and the further range that that would provide us for farming. However I'm actually enjoying the leveling process and since I don't want to spend every moment of the day hanging out in the auction house I have decided to continue leveling making it sort of the contest for myself to see how far I can get in the leveling process before I can hit 10,000 gold cash in hand on this server.
There will be a new video tomorrow after we get the opportunity to visit the auction house and see what our overnight sales were.
In the meantime thanks for reading hope you enjoy the video and happy gold making!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
This will be the second in our addon series covering auctionator
Day four today opened with a little over 800 gold in hand after a few of our auction sold last night.
The below video will cover the addon auctionator and the features that are included with it and how we will be using them. For me auctioneer and auctionator go together like peanut butter and jelly Bonnie and Clyde Abbott and Costello you get the picture. :-)
Auctionator can be downloaded from its own website at the link below
The link for auctioneer which we reviewed yesterday is below
Both can also be downloaded from curse gaming.
We also had the time today to go firming in Westfall where we farmed eggs from the fleshrippers. I've seen other videos of farming in this location I guess the twist of that I have on it is the same twist that all of my leveling/farming videos would have, and that is that your farming should not be a separate activity but should be incorporated into your leveling. For example with the fleshrippers we farmed today they were on route to a quest that we had to do and we simply took an extra 30 minutes to farm them gaining almost half a level in doing so. It was the same idea when we did the farming at the Mclore vineyards on day one, it wasn't somewhere special that we went but was simply on the way to quest. This philosophy will change a little bit once we hit level 20 at that point we will stop leveling and any farming we do will be just for the sake of farming. If we were going to continue leveling past 20 I would continue with the same philosophy of combining leveling with farming.
The below video will cover the addon auctionator and the features that are included with it and how we will be using them. For me auctioneer and auctionator go together like peanut butter and jelly Bonnie and Clyde Abbott and Costello you get the picture. :-)
Auctionator can be downloaded from its own website at the link below
The link for auctioneer which we reviewed yesterday is below
Both can also be downloaded from curse gaming.
We also had the time today to go firming in Westfall where we farmed eggs from the fleshrippers. I've seen other videos of farming in this location I guess the twist of that I have on it is the same twist that all of my leveling/farming videos would have, and that is that your farming should not be a separate activity but should be incorporated into your leveling. For example with the fleshrippers we farmed today they were on route to a quest that we had to do and we simply took an extra 30 minutes to farm them gaining almost half a level in doing so. It was the same idea when we did the farming at the Mclore vineyards on day one, it wasn't somewhere special that we went but was simply on the way to quest. This philosophy will change a little bit once we hit level 20 at that point we will stop leveling and any farming we do will be just for the sake of farming. If we were going to continue leveling past 20 I would continue with the same philosophy of combining leveling with farming.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
First of the auction house addon video's is now live
Well I didnt get everything I wanted to acheive today done but the first addon video (auctioneer) is complete
Leveling and Farming in Westfall
Well this video is a bit diffrent.
I have uploaded a video of leveling our hunter in Westfall. The audio sync is bad I was using fraps instead of the normal camtasia but the picture quality is better, now I just need a program that has both :)
Addon video's will hopefully be done tonight.
I have uploaded a video of leveling our hunter in Westfall. The audio sync is bad I was using fraps instead of the normal camtasia but the picture quality is better, now I just need a program that has both :)
Addon video's will hopefully be done tonight.
NoobWoWGold Day three ....morning
Well day threeis here after taking gold from the mail this morning we have a little over 600 gold without working at it a lot yesterday. Servers were down in the morning then we leveled a bit last night.....about an hour.
I am very please to see that a few people are watching the video's and I really hope you will find them helpful :)
Todays plans are some more leveling in Westfall.....want to hit 20 so I can get a mount for some mobility then do a little farming. Also have something special in mind that I hope to get done full day. Oh also need to do the addon video's......I will be chained to the game poor me :)
Also may upload some of the leveling video for anyone who likes watching leveling video's
Hey also figured out how to do uploads of over 15 min.....woot
More later
I am very please to see that a few people are watching the video's and I really hope you will find them helpful :)
Todays plans are some more leveling in Westfall.....want to hit 20 so I can get a mount for some mobility then do a little farming. Also have something special in mind that I hope to get done full day. Oh also need to do the addon video's......I will be chained to the game poor me :)
Also may upload some of the leveling video for anyone who likes watching leveling video's
Hey also figured out how to do uploads of over 15 min.....woot
More later
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Day Two On Server Farming Locations (Remake)
Day two on our new server (Farstriders) and we spent the day redoing the farming videos from day one, then posting the materials that we found on the auction house.
Our first stop was at the Maclure Vineyards where we farmed for one hour map is below.
All three of these locations are located in a small area of the map located just below the Westbrook Garrison and the town of Goldshire.
The resulting drops were placed on the auction house and we'll see how they sold today after the servers come back up.
Next we would re-do the vendor videos stopping at vendors in Stormwind and Ironforge.
Plans for today will be decided once we are back in game today and see how things sold over night.
Monday, 6 June 2011
First Day On A Server
Well the first day on my new server is now finished.
My goals for today were to get a toon to level 5 and into the auction house, and to level a second toon for low level farming.
My intention over the next few weeks is to demonstrate ways of making gold for low level toons. I have been doing videos which should be uploaded by tomorrow.
As you will see in the videos there is a gap between video two and video three because of a computer crash which corrupted video three.
So yesterday was spent for the most part farming in a couple of different locations and I will be redoing the videos that went with that farming. We also visited several vendors of limited supply recipes and I will be redoing that video as well. At the end of day one, the beginning of day two we went to the mail and found 105 gold waiting for us. Today will be spent redoing the videos from yesterday and then we will move in to videos regarding the various add-ons were using.
As I say in the videos this blog is not intended to help anyone reach gold cap, but rather to help people who are new to the game, or at least new to gold making to begin using the auction house and to find some low level farming areas. It is my intention to remain on the server at least for the next few weeks or until we reach 10,000 gold. I hope you will enjoy watching the videos and that you will learn a few things that will help you to make gold on your own server.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Noob WoW Gold
I have been playing WOW for almost six years now and the part of the game I enjoy the most is playing the auction house!
I don't claim to be an AH genius but I do ok and I would like to pass on some of what I have learned. When I was getting started I searched Google for tips and I did find some good stuff but so much of what is written assumes you already have high level toons with max level professions that I though a blog aimed at people who are just starting out in their gold making career would be helpful. So over the course of the next couple of months I intend to cover all aspects of making gold from scratch.
We will look at setting up your auction house toon including the right addons to use and how to wring the most out of them. We will also look at low level farming locations to help you on your way to success.
Beginning tomorrow I will set up toons on a new server and walk you through how to get things up and running.
Until tomorrow
I have been playing WOW for almost six years now and the part of the game I enjoy the most is playing the auction house!
I don't claim to be an AH genius but I do ok and I would like to pass on some of what I have learned. When I was getting started I searched Google for tips and I did find some good stuff but so much of what is written assumes you already have high level toons with max level professions that I though a blog aimed at people who are just starting out in their gold making career would be helpful. So over the course of the next couple of months I intend to cover all aspects of making gold from scratch.
We will look at setting up your auction house toon including the right addons to use and how to wring the most out of them. We will also look at low level farming locations to help you on your way to success.
Beginning tomorrow I will set up toons on a new server and walk you through how to get things up and running.
Until tomorrow
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