Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Lethon updates fot the past few days
Below are the updates for the past few days on our new server. Proving to be more difficult here on a low population server.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
New Server Chosen
Well we have chosen a new server Lethon PVP and tomorrow we will begin from nothing to 10000 gold!
Patch 4.2 Stay of Execution
A Stay of Execution was granted for Sunbright today!
With the upcoming patch 4.2 I have decided to stay on Farstriders awhile longer see below video for details. Additionaly plans to begin on a new server will go ahead later tonight.
With the upcoming patch 4.2 I have decided to stay on Farstriders awhile longer see below video for details. Additionaly plans to begin on a new server will go ahead later tonight.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Monday Morning Week Three
Well we have almost reached the end of our time on Farstriders! I am still projecting 10k by Wednesday or maybe Thursday at the latest. Once we hit that mark we will delete the toons on this server and select a new server to give it another go.....adjusting our strategies to the enviroment that we find there.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
The Undermine Journal
Today we will take a look at the Undermine Journal'
The undermine journal is a web site which collects data from the auction houses on all U.S. realms, not yet available for european servers but hopefully coming soon.
The first video is an overview of the journal and the second video details how I use the undermine journal for gold making.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Moths and Owls and Kittens oh my!!!
Collectors, we have to love them!
They are the people who will turn over their hard earned gold to us for cute little companions that we only paid a few silver ching :)
On our first day on farstriders we visited with the crazy cat lady nice lady....a little strange but nice,. Today we visited with Shylenai in Darnassus to purchase owl pets and with Sixx on the Exodar to purshase Moth pets.
All of these vendors are easily reach able by level one toons.
We also take a trip to Booty Bay to post a white kitten for friends on the Horde knows no enemies only profit and loss :)
Check out the below video for details
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
White Kitten Farming
Well this didn't go quite as expected Lil Timmy spawned right behind us as we started talking about his route. His spawn point is universally said to be the dock that we were standing beside, but as you can see in the video everyone is universally wrong lol. We take the opportunity we were given to follow him around his route......check out the video for details.
The white kitten is a limited supply pet sold by an npc called Lil Timmy
the link will take you to the wowwike for lil Timmy. Lil Timmy has only one kitten for sale at a time, the cost 60 silver and can sell on the Alliance AH for as much as 300 to 400 Gold. Because this is an Alliance only pet it can sell for a lot more on the Horde side, posting on the neutral AH can be more profitable then posting on the Ally side. There can be a lot of competition at times and if you watched the video you will know that we sold ours the other day for 120 gold.....still a nice sale :)
The map below shows Lil Timmy's route along the water front.
Lil Timmy's spawn time is thought to be somewhere between 2 and 4 hours but there are reports of a spawn time as short as 1.5 hours.
When I did the above map I marked the spawn point with his assumed spawn location after watching him despawn I would change that to 46.9 . 56.1
Remember to run his route in reverse as it will ensure you don"t miss him.......good luck and good hunting
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